
Architects call on Government to deliver affordable housing and sustainable communities in Budget 2025

16 Aug , 2024  

In its Pre-Budget Submission, the RIAI lays out eleven targeted actions that will enable the delivery of more affordable housing, introduce plan-led development of our towns and cities, and create more sustainable and climate-friendly communities across all of Ireland.

Speaking at the launch of their Pre-Budget Submission, Sean Mahon, RIAI President said: “The actions identified in the Institutes Pre-Budget Submission have the potential to deliver huge impact in addressing our current housing and climate crises. Our Submission delivers eleven targeted actions that, if implemented, will deliver a high-quality built environment for Ireland, that is affordable, climate resilient, and well resourced. Architects have a unique knowledge and skillset when it comes to urban planning and the built environment. Government needs to harness this expertise for the public benefit, to ensure that Ireland’s infrastructure and public spaces best serve the people of Ireland. Ireland has the expertise needed to transform our society to best serve our citizens, by providing quality affordable homes, sustainable well-resourced communities, and a climate resilient public realm. RIAI’s submission lays out a clear set of actions that will drive this change. What we need now is government action and leadership to use Budget 2025 to harness this expertise and deliver on this potential.”

Key recommendations in the Pre-Budget Submission include: 

Resource and empower local authorities, government departments and state agencies to deliver better outcomes.

A higher number of architects employed in the design and delivery of public buildings, spaces and community infrastructure – as well as forward planning – will lead to higher quality development plans and Local Area Plans, that are strategic, targeted, and future-proofed to fulfil the needs of Ireland’s growing population.

Invest in research and innovation to provide quality, affordable housing supported by social infrastructure and amenities.

Ireland is in the midst of a housing crisis. We need more housing; social, affordable, private and rental. Most importantly, this housing must be serviced by high-quality local amenities. Architects are keen to play their part in working to solve the housing crisis through long-term planning. This requires investment in research and a commitment to deliver the necessary infrastructure and innovation to meet Ireland’s growing population needs and equip us to address climate change.

Create climate-friendly vibrant neighbourhoods of quality buildings with lifecycle considerations.

We must invest in liveable cities and towns, with quality and affordable housing, but our built environment must also address the global crisis that is climate change – we must ensure that our built environment is less energy and resource intensive and more resilient to climate change. This can be achieved both in new buildings and upgrades to existing stock. Climate action must be at the centre of all urban design and planning.

Introduce plan-led development and 3-dimensional planning for our cities

The Irish planning system is still based on 2D plans that can be difficult for the public to understand or to engage with, preventing the level of engagement needed in the context of developing a long-term vision for urban centres. 

We need to invest in staff and technology to deliver a first-rate plan-led development system for Ireland, focused on quality, community engagement and sustainable outcomes. To create a long-term plan, there must be a meaningful dialogue between local authorities, professionals, and communitie

Invest in third-level and post-graduate education for Architecture, Architectural Technology and construction related courses

The RIAI is calling for investment in third-level and post-graduate education for Architecture, Architectural Technology and construction related courses, which are currently underfunded. A well-resourced education system is critical to supporting the needs and ambition of our National Development Plan, Project Ireland 2040 and to ensure Ireland’s economic competitiveness.

The full set of actions called for by the RIAI in their Pre-Budget Submission can be found here.