
CIF welcomes the Build 2024 report, and calls for the continued commitment for timely roll out of infrastructural projects

12 Jun , 2024  

The Construction Industry Federation welcomes the Build 2024 report, published yesterday by the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, and calls for the continued commitment for timely roll out of infrastructural projects to meet demands of a growing population.

The report provides a comprehensive overview of the construction sector in 2023, with a summary of investment and funding, planning and delivery, costs, employment and enterprise, skills and transition to BIM and MMC, productivity, and sustainability, and highlights growth in the total investment in construction and housing output of over €31 billion in 2023.

Hubert Fitzpatrick, Director General of the Construction Industry Federation, said: “This report references the need for a competitive, dynamic, and sustainable construction sector capable of delivering new social, economic, and climate resilient infrastructure. To achieve this outcome, we must continue to foster an innovative and sustainable construction sector environment capable of meeting the needs of our growing population. Also referenced is the report by the Housing Commission, which estimates that there is an underlying deficit between 212,500 to 256,000 homes, highlighting the critical need for timely and integrated delivery of infrastructure to support housing construction. 

“With the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) currently reviewing the National Planning Framework, the Construction Industry Federation looks forward to engaging in the public consultation on the draft revision and accompanying technical assessments, to be published in June 2024.

“It is important to refer to the growth in exports by construction companies, which have increased by 42% since 2020. But so too have costs with double digit growth across the Wholesale Price Index (+32% 2021 – 2023), SCSI Tender Price Index (+30% 2020 – 2023) and the Construction Output Price Index (+23% 2020-2023).

“Construction accounted for 6% of total employment in 2023. Over 1,300 construction permits were issued in 2023. The CIF welcomed the additional skilled roles added to the Critical Skills Occupation List in December 2023. These roles include – Project Engineer, BIM Manager, and BIM Coordinator/Technician.

“The number of construction enterprises has steadily increased from 2018 to 2021 with 70,459 construction enterprises now operating in Ireland, an increase of 22% since 2018.

“The population of construction and construction-related apprentices totalled 20,219 as of end 2023; an increase of 2,037 (11%) on the end of 2021 population of 18,182.  Given the importance of the construction sector to the economic development of Ireland, the challenge of recruiting and retaining people in the industry, and the challenges that will be faced in relation to future delivery of the National Development Plan, continued support for the construction & infrastructure sector is required. Certainty of timeframe for roll out of infrastructural projects to construction stages is critical for maintenance of the momentum and stability within the domestic construction sector. 

“The construction industry is driving its sustainability agenda and is looking forward to publication of the ‘Supporting the Circular Economy Transition in the Irish Construction Sector’ in June 2024.”