
MMC Ireland Calls for Overhaul of Public Procurement to Drive Digitalisation and Decarbonisation in Construction

3 Sep , 2024  

MMC Ireland, the largest industry representative body for stakeholders in the Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) sector, has submitted its recommendations for the 2025 Budget, calling for transformative changes in Ireland’s construction industry to address urgent challenges in housing, healthcare, and education infrastructure.

The submission emphasises the critical role of MMC in enhancing productivity and sustainability in construction, highlighting its potential to accelerate project delivery, improve quality, and contribute significantly to Ireland’s decarbonisation goals.

Key recommendations in the submission include:

  1. Accelerating Digital Transformation: MMC Ireland urges the government to expedite the Build Digital Project and implement a Building Information Modelling (BIM) mandate for public sector projects sooner than currently planned.
  2. Supporting SMEs in Digital Transition: The organisation calls for increased grant funding to help small and medium-sized enterprises adopt new technologies essential for MMC implementation.
  3. Enhancing Environmental Sustainability: Proposals include introducing energy-efficient capital allowances, funding for lifecycle analysis, and streamlining planning and procurement processes to integrate MMC into public sector projects more effectively.
  4. Reforming Planning and Procurement: MMC Ireland advocates for streamlined planning processes for MMC projects and updated public procurement guidelines that prioritise MMC solutions.
  5. Increasing Funding and Financial Incentives: The submission recommends establishing a dedicated MMC innovation tax credit and enhancing Public-Private Partnerships to boost private investment in MMC housing delivery.
  6. Setting Targets and Standards: MMC Ireland proposes setting adoption targets for MMC in social and affordable housing projects and allocating additional resources to expedite NSAI Agrément certifications.
  7. Promoting Innovation and Upskilling: The organisation calls for the establishment of an MMC demonstration and upskilling fund to support pilot projects and workforce development.

Pat Kirwan, Chair of MMC Ireland’s ‘Policy Support & Integration’ working group, stated: “The urgency of Ireland’s housing crisis and climate targets demand an immediate and radical shift in construction. MMC Ireland’s pre-budget submission calls for concrete actions based on our members’ deep project experience: accelerating the BIM mandate, reforming procurement to prioritise MMC, and introducing targeted financial incentives for MMC adoption. These measures will position offsite and other modern methods of construction as best practice, enabling Ireland to deliver housing 30% faster, reduce construction waste by up to 60%, and significantly decrease the carbon footprint of our built environment.”

MMC Ireland members believe that by adopting these recommendations, the government can significantly enhance housing delivery, meet urgent demand, and advance sustainability and efficiency in construction.